TEC Covid-19 Colloquy Series

The Teacher Education Council (TEC) through the initiative of the TEC Regular Members headed by Dr. Allan de Guzman, the Zonal Representative for Luzon will conduct series of online sessions for both pre service teachers and in service teachers. The webinar series was entitled “TEC Covid-19 Colloquy Series” with a theme of “Understanding 21st Century continue reading : TEC Covid-19 Colloquy Series

Consultative Meeting on the Deployment of Student Teacher

The Consultative Meeting on the Deployment of Student Teacher was held on July 7, 2020 through Zoom Meeting Platform. It was presided and facilitated by the Teacher Education Council (TEC) Executive Director, Dr. Runvi V. Manguerra, and was participated in by select DepEd Personnel like Regional Director, Schools Division Superintendent, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, School continue reading : Consultative Meeting on the Deployment of Student Teacher

New Normal Policies and Guidelines on the Deployment of Pre-Service Teachers for Field Study and Teaching Internship for AY 2020-2021

The Department of Education (DepEd) through the Teacher Education Council (TEC) with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) worked together in coming up with the NEW NORMAL POLICIES AND GUIDELINES ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS FOR FIELD STUDY AND TEACHING INTERNSHIP FOR AY 2020-2021. This initiative started with the Inception Meeting last July 7, continue reading : New Normal Policies and Guidelines on the Deployment of Pre-Service Teachers for Field Study and Teaching Internship for AY 2020-2021