After the development workshop on the proposed screening policy for incoming education students, it was enhanced by select school leaders and specialists from TEIs and DepEd.
The enhancement workshop started with the opening program prepared by the host division. Dr. Rita May P. Tagalog gave the overview of the project. It was followed by different workshops prepared by the management team. These workshops triggered and set the fire of the participants on critiquing the draft policy as output of the previous workshop in Pontevedra, Capiz.
There were concerns raised during the workshop proper like what to do with the existing screening policy of each TEI? Who will administer the admission test? How much will it cost to take the admission test? The focal person responded the questions by mentioning researches and current issues related to the policy.
Day 2 started with the usual management of learning followed by a brainstorming on what to include in the policy. Each group was asked to comment on the draft policy. In the afternoon, participants were grouped according to essential parts and instructed to enhance the rationale and scope, policy statement and framework, rules and standards and procedures.