To support cooperating teachers (CT) in their role as mentors and coaches for teaching interns, it is imperative that a formal training be designed and implemented to develop mentoring and coaching skills that will translate into effective clinical supervision practices geared towards strengthening the professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills, and attitudes of prospective teachers during their internship.

Day 1 of the workshop started with the presentation of Dr. Evelyn G. Chavez, TEC Zonal Representative for Mindanao and the focal person of the project who elaborated the background and the things to be done for the development of the module.

On the same day, Ms. Izella Lampos discussed the alignment of PPST Beginning Teacher Indicators (BTIs) with the Coaching and Mentoring Module. Dr. Philip Jay N. Alcoberes shared tips and techniques on how to craft a module and writeshop followed in the afternoon.

During Day 2, the group continued the writeshop until Day 3. In between the writeshops were presentation of the output per group and critiquing.