One of the TEC Mandates is to design collaboration programs or projects that will enhance pre-service teacher training, in-service training, re-training, orientation and teacher development.

The activity started with the opening program prepared by the management team followed by the presentation of Dr. Myrna B. Libutaque, TEC Subject Representative for Mathematics and focal person of the project introduced the background of Mathematical Investigations (MI) and its benefits to learners. She discussed that “MI is an inquiry into a mathematical situation, in which the topic may arise from real life (Mathematical Modeling) or mathematically designed problem The bridge between the study of math and the application of math to various fields.” She further explained that MI is a way to promote meaningful, realistic and contextualized learning experiences. In addition, she also emphasized that MI allows students to experience different processes like conjecturing, reasoning, proving, solving, visualizing, modeling, applying and connecting even inside the classroom. Using STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) field helps students answer questions, solve problems and create products.

She also mentioned that in Philippine Science High School West Visayas Campus, MI is already integrated in their curriculum. Some outputs of her students were presented during the meeting.

The group agreed on the training design for the cascading of MI to the region to be finalized during the Workshop on the Development of Learning Resource Package. Bernadette Daran, a representative from Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), planned to incorporate MI to National Science and Technology Fair (NSTF). Dir. John Arnold Siena suggested to encourage principals to support the MI program and train teachers to deepen their understanding in content knowledge, develop critical thinking and integrate Math in real life.